DFW Housing Market Response to Recent Interest Rate Increases

Sep 09, 2024By Andy

The Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) housing market has been a hot spot for homebuyers and sellers in recent years.

But because of the recent increases in interest rates, a lot of homeowners are wondering how this will impact their ability to sell a home fast in Texas

You see, although the market remains strong, the rising interest rates have created some noticeable changes for both buyers and sellers in Dallas Fort Worth.

The impact of interest rates on Buyers

We think the largest impact of higher interest rates in the housing market is making mortgages more expensive. 

You see, as interest rates increases, the monthly payments for home loans will go up. This can then price some buyers out of the market or limit how much they are willing to spend. 

And to be honest, it's not that much. 

For example, in 2022, a 30-year fixed mortgage averaged around 3%, but by 2023, rates have increased to around 7% in many cases. For a $300,000 home, that difference in interest rates could mean an additional $600 or more in monthly mortgage payments. This has caused many buyers to rethink their budgets or delay their home purchases, reducing overall demand.

How about the impact to home sellers?

May I have your golden signature, please?

Although the rise in interest rates has cooled the buyer frenzy (which we all saw in 2021 and early 2022, the DFW housing market is still resilient.

As a home seller in Houston, you might not see any bidding wars or rapid-fire offers that were common in the past couple of years. Still, homes are selling if they are priced right - just like any other things in this world. 

If you're looking to sell a home fast in Texas, especially in the DFW area, it’s important to understand how to adjust to this changing environment.

Are there any pricing adjustments?

Yes, there are some pricing adjustments. 

Because of the higher mortgage costings in the market, sellers may need to be more flexible on their pricing. 

Orange Colored American Dollar Sign And Arrow Symbol On Black Background

After all, overpriced homes are likely to sit longer on the market, and trust us, you don't want that. 

According to recent statistics, homes in DFW are staying on the market for an average of 45 days, compared to just 25 days last year. To sell a home fast in Texas, especially in a higher interest rate climate, pricing your home competitively is key.

Seller Tips for Success

Of course, we wouldn't want to end this article without leaving some tips on how you can sell a home fast despite the rising interest rates. Here are some tips. 

Price it right from the start

In this market, it’s essential to be realistic about pricing. Overpricing will lead to longer wait times, which is not ideal if you’re aiming for a fast sale.

Make small improvements

Old real estate apartment, prepared and ready for renovate

Simple upgrades, like fresh paint or landscaping, can make a big difference in attracting buyers. Homes that look move-in ready tend to sell faster. We wrote a lot of blogs on how you can do eco-friendly upgrades or staging your home right to close deals

Work with a local agent

Having a real estate agent who knows the DFW market is crucial. They can help you navigate pricing, staging, and negotiations to ensure you sell quickly, even with higher interest rates in play.

Local agents like Terra Digital Realty can help you do this. 

three silver keys

Final Thoughts

The DFW housing market is still active despite recent interest rate increases. While the days of skyrocketing home prices and instant sales may be slowing down, it’s still possible to sell a home fast in Texas. 

Just know your strategies, do your due diligence to research, and try to work with someone credible for the job.