How to Quickly Sell Your Home in a Competitive Market?

Aug 21, 2024By Andy

Selling a home can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially in a competitive market where many other properties are vying for buyers' attention.

But if you have the right approach, you can speed up the process and make your home the star of the show. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the key steps to help you sell your home fast – even when the market is totally crowded.

Without further ado, let’s get started;

1.   Know the right price from the start

Wooden house and golden coin on balancing scale on white background. Real estate business mortgage investment and financial loan concept. Money-saving and cashflow theme. 3D illustration rendering

If you know the price of your house right from the start, then you can sell your house fast. If you ask for too much, your house might just sit there, while setting the price too low could make buyers wonder what's wrong.

But here’s a fun thing you should know; homes priced just right from the beginning sell about 50% faster than those that need a price drop later.

To hit that sweet spot, think about hiring a real estate agent who can do a comparative market analysis (CMA). This handy report will show you what similar homes in your area have sold for, giving you a better idea of where to price yours.

2.   Boost the Curb Appeal of your home

We can all agree that first impressions matter – whether it’s your first time meeting the parents or you are selling your home fast. Both bring the same level of stress, right?

A tidy and welcoming exterior can catch buyers' eyes and set a positive vibe for the rest of the tour. Just a few easy fixes—like mowing the lawn, trimming the bushes, and adding some colorful flowers—can work wonders.

In fact, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) says that 94% of real estate agents suggest sprucing up your curb appeal before putting your home on the market.

And here’s a bonus: sellers who invest in landscaping often see up to a 15% bump in their home’s value!

3.   Professionally stage your home

Empty Film Set

Yes, this is totally different from number 2.

You see, staging is about showing your home in its best light. This involves arranging furniture, decluttering, and making the space feel inviting. Homes that are professionally staged sell 73% faster than those that aren't. If hiring a professional stager isn't in your budget, you can do it yourself by focusing on a few key areas: clean and tidy rooms, neutral colors, and minimal personal items.

A well-staged home allows buyers to envision themselves living in the space, which can lead to quicker offers.

4.   High-Quality Photos and Virtual Tours

Not a lot of home sellers have the budget for this kind of digital marketing strategy. But if you want to sell your Houston home fast, know that the first place most buyers will check out your home is online.

High-quality photos and virtual tours can really make your listing pop.

Did you know that homes with professional photography sell 32% faster than those with so-so pictures? A virtual tour is like giving buyers a personal walkthrough without them leaving their couch. This is especially important when you’re up against a lot of other homes, as it helps your place stand out from the crowd.

We suggest that you use digital realty available in the market – as most of these agencies simplify the selling of your property.

5.   Market Your Home Aggressively

House, property or real estate market price go up or rising concept, small miniature house with green line graph going up on black chalkboard

In a competitive market, simply listing your home isn’t enough. You need to get the word out through multiple channels. Use social media platforms, real estate websites, and even traditional methods like flyers.

According to the NAR, 52% of buyers found the home they purchased online. Make sure your listing is on all major real estate websites, and consider boosting your social media posts to reach a wider audience.

The more visibility your home has, the quicker it will sell – that’s easily obvious.

6.   Be flexible with your showings

We know that we’re giving you a little bit much statistics, and we know that we actually mentioned this tactic on our previous articles. Well, it’s just that being flexible with your house showings is the easiest, free, and quicker way to sell a house.

Homes that are easily accessible for showings sell faster because buyers can view them at their convenience. If possible, consider hosting an open house to attract multiple buyers at once.

7.   Offer incentives if you can

When the market's competitive, offering a little something extra can make your home stand out.

Think about covering closing costs, throwing in a home warranty, or even including some appliances in the sale. According to a survey by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 37% of home sellers sweetened the deal with incentives to attract buyers. These small perks can make your property more appealing and might just get buyers to make an offer faster.

8.   Work with a Real Estate Agent

You can definitely sell your home on your own, but teaming up with a real estate agent can make things move a lot faster. Agents have a wider network of potential buyers and know how to market your home to the right people.

Plus, a good agent will walk you through the whole process, from setting the right price to negotiating offers. If you're thinking of going this route, consider checking out Terra Digital Realty—they're known for helping sellers get the most out of their home sales.

white and red wooden house beside grey framed magnifying glass


Selling a home quickly in a competitive market is all about preparation and strategy. By pricing your home correctly, enhancing its appeal, and using effective marketing techniques, you can attract more buyers and secure a quick sale.

Remember, the key is to stand out in the market while making the process as smooth as possible for potential buyers. With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to selling your home faster than you thought possible.