How to Showcase Your Home's Best Features: Staging and Descriptions That Win Buyers in Houston, Texas?

Aug 26, 2024By Andy

We’ve seen how the Houston’s real estate market is hot right now. And we think if you play your cards right, you could be signing on the dotted line faster than ever! 

However, before you pop that champagne, there’s one more thing you need to get right; showcasing your home’s best features. In this article, we’ll provide you some staging tips and how to write a killer description for your home!

Why staging your home matters?

First things first—why bother with staging at all? Isn’t a good location and solid structure enough? Well, not quite. Staging is like putting your home’s best foot forward. It helps buyers see the potential of your space and imagine themselves living there. 

A person is shown firmly gripping a chair, in the process of moving it.

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 82% of buyers’ agents said that staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home. 

Plus, a well-staged home can increase the selling price by 1-5%. In a competitive market like Houston, that’s a big deal!

Here’s how you can make your home’s best features pop:

Open Spaces: We can all agree that Houston homes often boast large living areas. So, try to arrange furniture to show off the space and make it feel open and inviting. 

Outdoor Living: If the home you are selling in Houston has a great backyard, stage it with some cozy outdoor furniture. You may add some potted plants or a fire pit to create a space where buyers can imagine hosting their next party and get-together!

Young people biking and walking at Stanley Park

Chef’s Kitchens: Is the best highlight of your home is its kitchen? If yes, make sure it’s spotless and decluttered. You can displace some fancy cookbooks or fresh fruit to give it that ‘you can cook gourmet meals every night here’ look. 

Master Suite: The master bedroom should feel like a retreat. Use neutral bedding and add some fluffy pillows to make it look luxurious. If you’ve got a walk-in closet, make sure it’s organized and spacious.

Writing descriptions for your Home Selling in Houston

There are so many ways to write descriptions that sell. First of all, you can use descriptive language where you paint a picture with your words.

For instance, instead of saying “large backyard,” try “spacious backyard oasis, perfect for family gatherings and weekend barbecues.” Instead of “updated kitchen,” say “gourmet kitchen with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances.”

white concrete building

Another thing would be highlighting the neighborhood of your home. Obviously, if your home is in a great school district or close to popular spots like Memorial Park or The Galleria, make sure to mention it.

Try to focus on the unique features of your home as well and keep the description positive. Meaning, instead of saying “small yard,” you could say “low-maintenance outdoor space, perfect for those who want to spend more time enjoying life and less time on yard work.”

Staging on a Budget

We know that selling your home in Houston means you might need the money sometime soon. So, staging and showcasing your home might mean you are breaking the bank a little much more. But hey, there are some budget-friendly tips you can do to ensure that you are selling your home without any big monetary difference!

Declutter: This is the number one rule of staging. Clear out the clutter so buyers can see the space, not your stuff. Rent a storage unit if you need to, but keep things tidy and minimal.

Donating Decluttering And Cleaning Up Wardrobe

Fresh Paint: A fresh coat of paint in a neutral color can make your home feel clean and updated. It’s one of the most cost-effective ways to freshen up your space.

Lighting: Good lighting can make a room feel bigger and more inviting. Replace old light bulbs with brighter ones and consider adding some lamps to darker areas.

Add Some Greenery: Plants are an inexpensive way to add life to your home. Place a few potted plants or fresh flowers around the house to make it feel more welcoming.

Final Thoughts

Selling a home in Houston is about more than just putting a “For Sale” sign in the yard. By staging your home and writing compelling descriptions that highlight the best features, you can attract more buyers and potentially sell your home faster and for a higher price.

white and brown concrete building

So go ahead, stage that space, craft that killer description, and get ready to wow buyers. With the right approach, your Houston home will be the one everyone wants to call their own!